Sunday, March 19, 2006

I Now know what the problem is

I guess I'vve been denying it but after running around Crime Alley for the last few days I can remember more and more of what he does. He tried to play hero With Ms. Tart.and save her sister.

It didn't work out so well as he ended up saving Goten from some kind of battle. The tracker for the homong device he built got fried by a ki blast. Apprently by another time traveler. There's something about this giy the olther me knows ,. byt won't tell me.

I think he's fallen for Vampi. I guess we're the same guy so we have the same tastes. The problem is he's not actually shy about what he wants. Maybe I am crazy that would be so simple, maybe he represents who I really want to be.

No he has mamories , like he trained in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber with Dad . He dies while Gohan fought Cell. I was an infant during this. Why didn't my parents not tell me he exsisted?

He claims he died In some kind of Crisis. one that is going on in our timeline now. He doesn't know how he got stuck in my body , but he wants out, and I want him out.

If I don't find a way to rid myself of him< I;m going to be put in the looney bin. i can't believe he told Br a and Goten to " Have fun !" What a dork I can't believe he's encouraging them. I don't know how long I;m going to remain in control. I need to sleep so badly. but I can't Ican't That's when my alternat e futre self takes control.

" Trunks are you okay?"

Marron ? What are you doing here?"

"Pan and Bra have told nme your a mess lately, that you;ve been running aound Dark town , andd hanging out in the Crime Alley bar."

" It's kind of hard to explain."

"Don't here drink some water . "

Trunks falls asleep

" I'm sorry I had to that, But bra said you haven't been sleeping." She looks at him sadly " What's wrong with you old buddy? they say you've developed a new personilty. Maybe it's just all the stress. hope after you sleep you'll get better. Please get better."

She kisses him on the forehead. At that moment Karen Tart walks in. " What are you doing with MR Briefs ?"

" DOn't worry about it okay toots? I just made sure he'd sleep. He's sick. Help me get him on the couch."

(After they put hinm on the office couch.)

" Who are you?" asks MS. Tart.

" Don't worry I'm not competion.( She runs her fingers through his hair._ " I missed any chance I had long ago. I'm just a child hood friend. Make sure he gets better okay."

While Marron leaves for Trunks the nightmares come back.

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