Wednesday, October 04, 2006

The hunt for my daughter pt.2

Kameal's and Jazzia's ship had gotten away, from the aliens that were attacking the,. I don't tell them That I was looking for Justice. The Moral of the rebels, would have been down to nothing.

I sometimes forget , that along with being a little girl Justice is a symbol of an intergalactic rebellion which is why it's important to get her back as soon as possible. Well that and she's my kid blood or not.

These thoughts made Storm cutter open a another portal. I wasn't sure this was the greatest idea or not, but I went through it. The world I ended up on was weird. They was these floating Jellyfish creatures all over it.

Mother had told me about these theories, creatures that live in space that would look like Jelly fish. I suppose it's no longer a theory. I couldn't figure out what but there was something odd about this Planet.

I couldn't figure out what it was until I look up in the horizon. Galactus' ship landed on the planet , and the World eater had come out of the Ship . Along side him The Silver Surfer?Free Image Hosting -

" What are you doing here SHIELD Agent?" asks Surfer. Who uncharacteristically blasts me first. Great. Just what I needed. How did he know I was an agent of SHIELD? Oh Yeah.Free Image Hosting -

I Blasted him , back and gave him some of my sword's power to boot. He just kind of shrugged it off. After A short battle I ask" Why are you attacking me?"

" I told the last agent I didn't want to be in on your war!"

" I'm not here to recruit you!" I scream. "I'm just looking for my daughter. I ran into you by accident."

" I apologize." He States finally " Other SHIELD agents have found me and tried to recruit me. I already have a job." He points at Galactus.

" So Your back to being the Herald Of Galactus? How did that happen?"

" It was a result of the Annihlation Wave."

" The what?" I ask.

" You Earthers have no idea what happened out here. Dosen't,t matter, you should leave this world Before my Master consumes It. I used my sword to open another portal, I fall into water. I fly out wand go around for miles, There's no land any where . Great.


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