Thursday, November 09, 2006

Darnit Goku!

Did you really have to fight over a freaking Donut? Really Goku? I mean you stuff your face with so much food I don't think one little donut is going to matter either way. So of course Usagi,yells at me about it all night.

It's not like I can control Son Goku. I don't think anyone can. Well Maybe Chichi. Oh well I at least got her to stop yelling by buying her stuff. I guess that's one of the benefits of being a billionare.

Dresses a couple of 100 dollars. Jewelry also a couple of hundred dollars. Playstaion 3 $ 600.

Making one of your girlfriends stop screeching so loud you can feel your brain explode priceless. The best things in life are free, but for evreything else ther's Capsule Card. Free Image Hosting at

Yeah I know that's my dad's card, the reason that one's up there? Because Bra already used up all the money in it.


At 8:13 AM, Blogger Papa Wolfgang said...

hee hee aww the joys of love

At 4:33 PM, Blogger Trunks said...

love? nah. Sex yes.


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