Monday, April 24, 2006

Well can this get any worse?

I bought some love potions from Wolgang. They're supposed to make me more confident in love . One problem, They work on anything you see. First time I tired to use on myself to Vampi how I feel, I fell for a car...... The second time a cat. But there was the dinner that night where Vampi was going to tell us which of us Trunkses she was going to choose.

I drink the potion, before e she says And Marron comes jumping in. Oh no I actually have feeling for her!! This could last a week! I start spouting poetry. To her She looks at me all weird and says " Slow down there lover boy!"

" Look I have a thing for you always had but this is way too fast. One minute your fighting over Vampi the next your all over me! Are you drunk again?"

" Drunk with love!" I say.

I hear Miari cough out " Lame!" Not that I actually cared." You know this is a good thing. " said Vampi. Since I was going to choose Miari, We are so much alike . He knows what he wants, and we're both warriors against evil."

" So it is decided!" I yell. "Let us go to Paris my darling."

" Ok you are drunk or on, drugs or something." said Marron. " Call me for a date when you sober up."

So she left me in my massive despair I knew I had to win her but how? Then a freaking giant fish monster comes crashing in saying it wanted Vampi's blood. I may not feel the same way about her as I used to but I'm not letting her die!


At 3:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well I guess I was worried about nothing :)

At 7:21 PM, Blogger Trunks said...

I guess not marrooon Where are you!

At 7:22 PM, Blogger Mirai Trunks said...

he's so weird I can't believe we once the same person

At 2:27 AM, Blogger Gogeta said...

y children serve me or die!


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